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Join our NAPW Atlanta Luncheon – “From Chit Chat to Cha Ching: Turning Casual Conversations into Profit”

December 4, 2013

NAPW Atlanta Jan 2014 Lunch & Learn

Thanks for Attending our 4th Annual NAPW Georgia EXPO!

October 29, 2013

On behalf of the South Atlanta Chapter, we would like to thank all of you who attended our 4th Annual Georgia Local Chapters EXPO! Special thanks to our amazing speakers, our sponsors, leadership team and our awesome volunteers.

We hope that you had a memorable time and would appreciate your feedback.

Click Here to complete survey for a chance to win a $100 Visa Gift Card!

Special Thanks to our Sponsors and Partners!



(Click on the images below to visit their websites)


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Join the 4th Annual NAPW Georgia EXPO – Saturday, October 26, 2013!

September 13, 2013

Don’t miss the opportunity to connect with over 200 businesswomen from Georgia and throughout the Southeast to promote your business and build new relationships during our dynamic speed networking session and throughout our EXPO this October! (Limited Seating – RSVP Today!) –

Sarah Hathorn

The National Association of Professional Women (NAPW) is pleased to host the 4th Annual Georgia Local Chapters EXPO, an exclusive event, at the Atlanta Marriott Perimeter Center on Saturday, October 26, 2013. The EXPO provides professional women at all career levels the unique opportunity to meet each other, network, share personal experiences and hear from high-profile Keynote Speaker, Sarah Hathorn, an internationally distinguished executive coach, corporate consultant, professional speaker, and the founding CEO of two successful companies, Illustra Consulting and Illustra Business Coaching with more than 30 years of experience successfully mentoring leaders and entrepreneurs for extraordinary success, being featured in numerous publications including the New York Times, the Chicago Tribune, U.S. News & World Report, Forbes, Money Magazine, and The Huffington Post. 

Designed to explore the why and how to strengthen your internal leadership core, become the CEO of your career destiny to lead in the new century and discover your inner alpha woman, the theme of this year’s EXPO is ― THE FEMALE X-FACTOR! The goal of the EXPO is to help women discover new business techniques to provide them with true fulfillment in their career endeavors. As our panelists encourage the audience to develop their power and confidence, take control of the rains that will shape their careers and grow their leadership influence; attendees will leave feeling empowered and inspired to be their best through self-exploration, motivation and reflection. In addition to stimulating panel discussions, the conference will also feature a highly anticipated high-powered speed networking session.… Read More!

Click HERE to download the full event brochure. 

Take advantage of the discounted double ticket rates. Bring a friend and save! Sponsorship opportunities also available!

We look forward to seeing you all there!

Nancy Delgadillo

President, South Atlanta Chapter
National Association of Professional Women
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The POWER to be You!

Cliff Notes from “Change Your Life In An Instant” by Linda Minnick

June 24, 2013

Linda MinnickIn a world of instant gratification and 40+ hour work weeks, we get so involved ‘doing’ that we leave little to no time to ‘being’. Listed below are some of the tips I offer to help you reclaim your sanity and ‘change your life in an instant’.

Tip #1 – Determine the ROI on your commitments

Go through your personal and professional calendar and determine if you’re getting the results you need or want for your commitments and engagements.  If not, change them or drop them.  Don’t waste your time or energy with people and things that aren’t contributing to your overall good.

Tip #2 – Learn to say “No!”

If you’re a volunteer addict, as many of us are, stopping saying ‘yes’ to commitments you really don’t want to do or don’t have time or energy to do.  I’m not saying don’t volunteer.  It’s important we all give back.  We just need to monitor how much we volunteer.  Over volunteering tends to stress us out and exhaust us.  We also end up resenting having to do it which produces lackluster results for the group you volunteered for anyway!

Tip #3 – Listen to your Intuition & take back control of your life

Do you wake up Monday morning, blink your eyes and all of a sudden it’s Sunday night?   You’re over worked; over committed and under appreciated – by yourself! Many of us keep so busy doing what we think we should be doing that we don’t hear the quiet, subtle voice reminding us what we really want or meant to do.  Listening to your intuition on a daily basis will help you make better decisions and assist you in staying on your right path.

Tip #4 – Take good care of yourself

Do something for you EVERY DAY.  Take time to read a good book, listen to music, meditate, have lunch with a friend, talk a walk.  A good way to relax is TAKE A BATH at least once a week.  Include bath salts such as Himalayan salt.  It’s amazing how 20 minutes in a hot tub can make the world a better place.

Bottom Line – These are just a few things you can do to change your life but there is only one way to truly change your life in an instant.  To do that you have to make a decision.  You have to decide to improve your life.  You have to decide to take action.  You have to decide to live the life to your fullest potential.  Once you do,  you will find you have changed your life in an instant!


For more information on this program and other personal or group coaching offerings, contact Linda Minnick at or 678-367-3459.  Linda is also available for your workshops, lunch-and-learns and speaking engagements.  Check out her website at

7 Tips to Work More Effectively

May 9, 2013

By Michele Tocci

By implementing these 7 tips you are going to start feeling and being more productive and efficient.

multitasking-women1. Plan your week

The fact is that if you spend 30 minutes to 1 hour planning your week, writing down everything that needs to be done, prioritising the list by importance and then deciding what should be done on Monday, what on Tuesday and so on, you will save hours during the week. It keeps you on track and your momentum going.

2. Plan your day

Spending time on planning your day makes a difference. By planning, we know what needs to be done and we are working more effectively and efficiently. I imagine you are thinking, “I planned my week, why do I need to plan my day?” When you do your weekly planning that is the big picture view. During the week, other tasks arise that need to be done, so that is what comes into consideration when planning your day.

3. Batch your activities

Every time you start a new activity, it takes time. You have to get everything you need in order to do the task, you need to get into the mindset and you need a little “warm up time” during which you don’t work as fast as when you have done something for a while. Once you are done with the task, you have to put everything away, and “cool off”. So batch your tasks – email, phone calls, shopping. It makes you more efficient

4. When at work, work!

Focus and concentrate and work when at work. Just because you are in the office does not mean you are working. There are many distractions around you – people, coffee breaks, meetings, etc. Focus and really complete the top three tasks for the day then you can reward yourself with a little down time.

5. Finish every activity you start

Fifteen completed tasks are more effective than forty five uncompleted tasks. Leaving an activity half-finished is a big source of stress. Whenever something is only half done, it gnaws at you and stops you from focusing on other activities. So once you start something, finish it.

6. Focus all your energy on the most important activities

The much quoted 80/20 rule states that 80% of the value you create in a day will come from 20% of the activities you perform. Meaning, if you complete those 20% you will have done much, much more than if you complete all the rest. Go through all the activities you perform and see which ones are the most important. Find ways to focus more time on them.

7. Take a break!

To be able to work hard and efficiently, you need to be of sound mind and be able to focus. Take a break once in a while and go for a walk, drink a cup of coffee or take a nap.


“Be an inspiration to yourself and you will be an inspiration to others.”


Act Like a Leader Before You Are One

May 8, 2013

By Amy Gallo, Contributing Editor – Harvard Business Review

businesswomanIf you want to become a leader, don’t wait for the fancy title or the corner office. You can begin to act, think, and communicate like a leader long before that promotion. Even if you’re still several levels down and someone else is calling all the shots, there are numerous ways to demonstrate your potential and carve your path to the role you want.

What the Experts Say
“It’s never foolish to begin preparing for a transition no matter how many years away it is or where you are in your career,” says Muriel Maignan Wilkins, coauthor of Own the Room: Discover Your Signature Voice to Master Your Leadership Presence. Michael Watkins, the chairman of Genesis Advisers and author of The First 90 Days and Your Next Move, agrees. Not only does the planning help you develop the necessary skills and leadership presence, it also increases your chances of getting the promotion because people will already recognize you as a leader. The key is to take on opportunities now, regardless of your tenure or role. “You can demonstrate leadership at any time no matter what your title is,” says Amy Jen Su, coauthor of Own the Room. Here are several ways to start laying the groundwork.

Knock your responsibilities out of the park
No matter how big your ambitions, don’t let them distract you from excelling in your current role. Focus on the present as much as — or more than — the future. “You still have to deliver results in your day job,” says Jen Su. Adds Maignan Wilkins: “You always need to take care of today’s business so that nobody — peers, direct reports, or those above you — questions your performance.” That’s the first step to getting ahead.

Help your boss succeed
“You have to execute on your boss’s priorities too,” says Watkins. “Show her that you’re willing to pick up the baton on important projects.” Maignan Wilkins also suggests you “lean more towards yes than no” whenever your boss asks you to help with something new. Find out what keeps your manager up at night and propose solutions to those problems.

Seize leadership opportunities, no matter how small
Make sure your “let me take that on” attitude extends beyond your relationship with your boss. Raise your hand for new initiatives, especially ones that might be visible to those outside your unit. “This will give others a taste of what you’ll be like in a more senior role,” says Maignan Wilkins. It doesn’t have to be an intense, months-long project. It might be something as simple as facilitating a meeting, offering to help with recruiting events, or stepping in to negotiate a conflict between peers. You might find opportunities outside of work, too. You can sit on the board of a local nonprofit or organize your community’s volunteer day. “These activities send the signal that you aspire to leadership potential,” Watkins says.

Look for the white space
Another way to prove your potential is to take on projects in the “white space.” These are problems that others aren’t willing to tackle or don’t even know exist. “Every organization has needs that nobody is paying attention to, or people are actively ignoring,” Maignan Wilkins says. For example, you might be able to identify a customer need that isn’t being met by your company’s current product line, and propose a new one. Or you could do a quick analysis of how much a specific change would save the company. When you take on a task that no one else is willing to do, you make yourself stand out.

Don’t be a jerk
There’s a fine line between being ambitious and acting like you’re too big for your britches. “Don’t try to exert authority when you don’t have it,” says Watkins. Practice what he calls “steward leadership”: focus on what your team wants to accomplish instead of putting yourself first. Jen Su recommends “humble confidence,” showing appropriate modesty in your role, while having the self-assurance to know that you will rise to the next level.

Be cautious when sharing your ambitions
It’s appropriate to raise your ambitions with your manager if you have a trusting, solid relationship, but frame them in a way that focuses on what’s best for the company. Jen Su suggests you lay out your accomplishments for the past year and then ask something like, “As we look further out, where do you see me continuing to make a contribution?” Watkins warns that these conversations shouldn’t come off as being all about you. Instead, engage in a two-way conversation with your boss. If you have the kind of boss who may feel threatened by your aspirations, it’s better to keep your ambitions quiet and prove your potential.

Find role models
Look for people who have the roles you want and study what they do — how they act, communicate, and dress. “Pick someone at the next level, someone similar to you, and find a way to work with them,” says Watkins. Volunteer for a committee they’re spearheading or offer to help with one of their pet projects. Identify behaviors that you can emulate while being true to yourself. “You don’t want to fake it,” says Maignan Wilkins. It might also help to study people who are stuck in their careers as examples of what not to do, Watkins says. Are they clumsy politically? Do they disrespect the lines of authority? Do they fail to make connections between departments?

Build relationships
There’s an old adage, “It’s not who you know, it’s who knows you.” When you’re evaluated for a promotion, it’s unlikely your boss will sit in a room alone and contemplate your potential. She’ll rely on others to assess your ability, which means you need supporters across the organization — people who are aware of the work you’re doing. “If you find yourself walking down the hall with the most senior person at your company, be prepared to answer the question, ‘So what are you up to?'” Maignan Wilkins says, “Don’t take lightly any interactions that may seem informal. Treat every situation as an opportunity to demonstrate the value you bring to the organization and your knowledge of the business.”

Principles to Remember


  • Look for every opportunity to demonstrate your leadership potential, at work and outside the office
  • Support your boss in reaching her goals
  • Find people in positions you aspire to and study what makes them successful


  • Let your ambitions distract you from doing your current job well
  • Exert authority where you don’t have any — use influence to prove your leadership chops
  • Openly discuss your ambitions — it’s safer to take a “show, don’t tell” approach


Read original article here.

“The Art of Becoming A Professional Woman” Teen Girl Empowerment Summer Camp

May 7, 2013

Do you know a high school, female student who can benefit from the teachings of professional women through education, inspiration and empowerment??

Registration is now open for “The Art of Becoming A Professional Woman” – a week long summer camp to inspire and encourage girls ages 14 – 18. During this camp, your teen will learn from some of the leading women in business on topics ranging from leadership, entrepreneurship, workplace etiquette, branding and social media, finances, goal-setting and much more!

This information-packed event will be held at our regular NAPW chapter meeting location – Monarch Tower, C-Level Training Room (105c) in the prestigious Buckhead community in Atlanta, GA from Monday, July 15 to Friday, July 19, 2013.

Don’t miss our Early Bird rate of only $50 for the entire week (daily lunch included!); however, space is very limited, so reserve your spot NOW!

Visit: to Register before May 25th, 2013 – rates increase to $100.

10 Essential Selling Principles Most Salespeople Get Wrong

May 6, 2013

By Kathy Caprino

Several months ago, a client of mine who runs a small, profitable business serving other businesses shared with me that she was receiving powerful sales training from Sandler Training, and my ears perked up. Many entrepreneurial women I coach find the sales process extremely challenging and perplexing, and fewer still have had the courage to walk directly into their challenges by signing up for sales training.

I was intrigued by what she shared, so I purchased the book The Sandler Rules: 49 Timeless Selling Principles and How to Apply Them, written by David Mattson, CEO of Sandler Training. I found it to be chock full of integrity-aligned sales principles and strategies that move sales away from a “sleazy” endeavor of trying to pull a fast one over on your would-be client, to a more empowering, empathic, curious and open sharing of your talents and services in a way that creates a win/win relationship for all involved.

I reached out to Dave Mattson to learn more about what Sandler teaches that makes them so effective. Founded in 1967, Sandler Training has helped thousands of companies become more profitable by training sales professionals with a unique selling system of techniques and guiding principles that focuses on asking questions, talking less, educating more, and knowing when to walk away. In many ways, these ideals are fundamentally different from traditional sales techniques, but Sandler is obviously doing something right. Sandler Training is the world’s leader in sales development training programs for salespeople at small, medium and Fortune-sized businesses as well for as solopreneurs, entrepreneurs and independent consultants, delivering an estimated 92,000 training hours per year.

Dave shared that despite Sandler Training’s growing popularity, sales people the world over still continue to commit sales suicide through common blunders and mistakes. While many learn from those mistakes, others fall into the same selling traps continuously.

Below are Dave’s 10 Essential Selling Principles That Most Salespeople Get Wrong. These 10 blunders are addressed through the Sandler Rules, and the solutions to these errors are reinforced regularly at the 225 Sandler Training centers located throughout the world.

1. Assuming the problem that the prospect communicates is the real problem. It’s normal and natural to assume this; however, it’s important to look deeper into each scenario. Like a physician, we must ask ourselves “is this the prospect’s real problem or is it just a symptom?” Before diagnosing and offering how we can address their challenges, we have to ask more questions to make sure we’ll be getting at the root of their problem, and bringing value to the prospect by supporting their true goals. (Sandler Rule #38)

2. Thinking that your sales “presentation” will seal the deal. You should always be helping the prospect discover the best reasons to buy from you – not telling them why they should. The prospect should know that they’ll be buying from you long before you present your final pitch or proposal. (Sandler Rule #15)

3. Talking too much. One of the oldest Sandler philosophies is the 70/30 rule. So often and especially in the beginning of a relationship, salespeople think they need to be doing all the talking, when they should be listening and asking questions. Keep in mind, if a prospect wanted a rundown of your products or services, he or she could just visit your website. The sales process is a conversation, and an honest and open one at that. (Sandler Rule #14)

4. Believing that you can sell anybody anything. People don’t buy simply on your say-so. A prospect must go through a period of self-discovery before making the decision that your product or service is the right solution. Resistance is pre-programmed and people don’t like to be told what to do (or buy). A better approach than “selling by telling” is to ask key questions or relate third-party stories that allow the prospect to discover the benefits and advantages of your product or services. When you ask questions that lead to a discovery, the prospect then “owns” the discovery and the resistance disappears. After all, people don’t tend to argue with their own data. (Sandler Rule #27)

5. Over-educating the prospect when you should be selling. The initial goal in selling is to find out why, and under what circumstances, the prospect will buy from you. Asking questions is first, and sharing your materials and specifics comes next. Sell today, educate tomorrow. (Sandler Rule #21)

6. Failing to remember that salespeople are decision makers, too. Every step of the way through the sales cycle, a salesperson must make critical decision as to whether to continue investing time in the relationship with the prospect. If you as the salesperson are a poor decision-maker, your lack of clarity and decisive action will be mirrored in your prospect’s behavior. Remember, the shorter your selling cycle, the more leads you close over time. (Sandler Rule #36)

7. Reading minds. Always get the facts from your prospect about what they need and why. When your prospect is vague, politely ask for clarity. Veteran sales people are often the culprits of “reading minds” because they think they’ve seen it all. But when they jump to conclusions, they make erroneous assumptions that lead to wasted time at best, lost opportunities at worst. As the old adage goes, “to assume is to make an ass out of you and me.” (Sandler Rule #13)

8. Working as an “unpaid consultant” in an attempt to close a deal. Sandler advises salespeople to play “Let’s Pretend” when a prospect asks for additional work and information before making a buying decision. Ask your prospect to picture a scenario where you complete the additional groundwork and provide a solution that fits everything the prospect needs – then what happens, will they buy from you? If they can’t envision pulling the trigger even after you’ve done the additional work, or if they’d still need another step in the process, it may be time to walk away or you may ask to move directly to this second step. When you want to know the future, bring it back to the present. (Sandler Rule #25)

9. Being your own worst enemy. Never blame the prospect for stalling the process. Instead, look inward. It’s the job of the salespeople to assure the prospect and address detours. The only way to streamline the process is to continue to refine your own sales approach and technique. (Sandler Rule #44)

10. Keeping your fingers crossed that a prospect doesn’t notice a problem. Sandler teaches that the only way to avoid a potential disaster is to address it before it erupts. Always come clean and be open and transparent if something problematic comes up along the selling cycle. The prospect will respect that you “came clean” and shared it, and together you can problem-solve, building a solidifying team approach to the issue. (Sandler Rule #23)
Read original post here.

2013 NAPW Georgia Local Chapters EXPO

April 2, 2013

Registration is now open for our 4th Annual 2013 NAPW Georgia Local Chapters EXPO.

Visit: to register to attend or exhibit today!

For Sponsorship Opportunities, email:

NAPW Atlanta, Georgia EXPO

Huffington on Sandberg: To Lean In, First Lean Back

March 25, 2013

This article was originally published in the Wall Street Journal on March 11, 2013.

ariannaAn enormous amount of ink and pixels have already been devoted to Sheryl Sandberg‘s important new book,Lean In,” some of it claiming that Sandberg exhorts women to relentlessly drive themselves to the top.

But that’s not at all what Sandberg is saying. What she’s saying is that as well as institutional barriers to success, women face a lot of inner barriers—voices that, as she puts it, urge you to “leave before you leave.”

“Lean Inhas unleashed multiple conversations. For me, the most interesting is the one about the nature of the world women are leaning into. This is a great moment for all of us—women and men—to acknowledge that the current male-dominated model of success isn’t working for women, and it’s not working for men, either.

For everybody, stress has gone up—in the last 30 years, self-reported stress has gone up 25% for men and 18% for women. And we’re surrounded by stressed-out leaders—in politics, in business, in media—making terrible decisions. What they lack is not smarts but wisdom. And it’s much harder to tap into your wisdom, recognizing the icebergs before they hit the Titanic—a big part of leadership—when you’re running on empty.

As women scale new heights in the workplace, they pay a heavy price: women in stressful jobs have a nearly 40% increased risk of heart disease and a 60% increased risk of diabetes than their less-stressed colleagues. According to the latest study from the American Psychological Association, women are more likely than their male colleagues to feel stressed during a typical workday, due to many factors, including feeling underappreciated in the workplace.

There’s a French expression, “reculer pour mieux sauter,” which, loosely translated, means leaning back in order to jump higher. That’s what cats do. And by leaning back, we become much better at leaning in.

That means acknowledging the value of caring for our human capital — getting enough sleep and rejecting the culture of “time macho,” which Anne-Marie Slaughter describes as “a relentless competition to work harder, stay later, pull more all-nighters, travel around the world and bill the extra hours that the International Date Line affords you.” And it means acknowledging that family can actually be a great thing for our career, by putting everything at work in perspective.

The world needs women to redefine success beyond money and power. We need a third metric, based on our well-being, our health, our ability to unplug and recharge and renew ourselves, and to find joy in both our job and the rest of our life. Ultimately, success is not about money or position, but about living the life you want, not just the life you settle for.

Some companies get it. Already, twenty-five percent of large American corporations have some kind of stress reduction program — yoga, meditation, or some way for workers to lean back — during the workday. Not just Google GOOG -0.08% and Silicon Valley startups, but General Mills GIS +0.33%, Target Aetna AET -0.82%, etc. The realization is spreading that this is not just good for the employees’ health but for the company’s bottom line. Mounting evidence, both scientific and anecdotal, confirms that the practices that make us less stressed also make us more productive. (We at HuffPost launched a free app, GPS for the Soul, to track your stress level through your heart-rate variability; it also includes a personalized guide of pictures, music and poetry that helps you course-correct.)

For far too long, men have equated success with working around the clock, driving yourself into the ground, sleep deprivation and burnout. Women need to lead the way to change that — both for their sake and for the sake of successful men who desperately need to learn how to lean back.